Friday, June 1, 2012

What I would be doing today

So we would probably be on our way to the hospital right about now but we're not. Hudson's surgery had to be rescheduled due to a death in the surgeon's family and him flying out of town. It was moved to Saturday June 9th. A day I look forward to every year... ya, that's my birthday. But honestly I don't care. It's not like I had anything great planned anyway. I'd rather spend that day with Curtis and Hudson anyway. That's what makes me happy.

You might think an added week of my favorite smile would make my day but truth is I wasn't too happy about the news. I spend the last month preparing myself for THAT day mentally and emotionally. I was ready! And I WAS excited. I even had his going home outfit picked out! I made sure I picked a shirt with a big enough head opening that it would flow easily over his head and not one that would have to be forced over his face as I worry about it touching stitches. Everything was planned out. We were lucky enough to have it done at Cardon's Children Hospital. Plus it was a Friday so I would have Curtis Saturday and Sunday to help me. Well forget all that good stuff. It's now at St. Jo's and on a Saturday. Although it's earlier in the morning at least Hudson will sleep through most of the "7 hour no food before surgery rule". There is pro's and con's I guess. And maybe Hudson just needed this extra week. But to me, it's happening no matter what so I just want to get it over with.

So now I have a whole other week of worry, anticipation, impatience, NAM and taping. And more pictures of that smile I love... :)

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