He was really a good boy though. He was a trooper through everything we dragging him around to! Naps are hard to work around! But he hardly fussed at all. I'm not surprised though. He's an angel. The first 2 days there we spent at the beach and Sea Port Village. Being the busy little boy he is Hudson loved looking around at everybody and everything new. He loved the sand. He would grab handfuls and just play with it with his fingers. The worst part was keeping sand out of his eyes! Sand was EVERYWHERE! Baby powder was a life saver, thanks to pinterest. The third day there Curtis's brother took us to the San Diego Zoo. It was huge! And on a mountain so my legs are sore now! And that night Curtis and I went to the San Diego Temple which was only minutes away! It was a nice way to end our vacation, humbly. As excited as I was to bring Hudson to the beach I'm even more excited when he's older and can actually enjoy all the trips we take.
And here is our trip in pictures. Unfortunately a ton of sand got on our camera and after that it wouldn't focus right so some pictures are blurry.
He was so good on the way there! He fussed for like 30 seconds and then just went to sleep. He kept looking up to try and see me.
On our way!
That would be Hudson sleeping all bundled up.
Sea Port Village

I love this picture but his face is so blurry!
He's such a cheese.
Take one
Take 2
Take 3 Grrrr
His souvenir.
This was right after we got through Maricopa on our way home. Crazy storm was going on! There was a policeman who was not letting anyone go because I guess there was 0 visibility while driving. We only had to wait 10 minutes though. But it was still really bad until we got to the 10. It was a good welcome home gift. And good thing too because our grass was not being watered while we were gone!
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