Yesterday was a month since Hudson had his palate repaired! It seems like it was forever ago though! It's such a relief to have that over and done with. We are past the storms and are smooth sailing now! We had a post op appointment with his surgeon last Wednesday where we also got to meet with the wonderful orthodontist Dr. Glick and the speech pathologist. Dr. Beals said his palate looks great and all food restrictions are lifted. Although we've been feeding him everything for the past week or so anyway. But now I feel better about it! He still has stitches which will dissolve with in the next four weeks. We wont see Dr. Beals again until Hudson turns 2. His speech will be evaluated then to make sure his palate is working properly and doesn't need any revision. From age 2-4 they will focus on his speech. If he needs any help that is. Any revision or speech therapy will be done before he goes into kindergarten. The speech pathologist was a little concerned about his speech when she was asking me questions. He still only knows "mama" and "uh oh" but we both agreed to give him more time since he just had his palate repaired. He's already been able to say "ga" since and a few other new sounds. I'm confident his vocabulary will improve by age 2. He's already proved how awesome he is and that nothing can slow him down! He is the definition of perseverance! I am so proud of him. I love the person he is becoming already! I can't believe we have been blessed with this special little being and I wouldn't have him any other way!

Dr. Beals and Hudson
He had tubes put in his ears on the 23rd which was a piece of cake compared to his last 2 surgeries. Once we got home he was back to normal. So I don't really have much to say about it! But that's a good thing.
We now have exactly ONE month from today until I am due with this little lady of ours! I can not believe how fast it has gone! And why is that? Cause we know what to expect? But I'm not complaining! We are pretty much ready for her! Her room is almost complete and I have just a few more things to buy before I feel I'm really ready. But she's welcome to come anytime now if you ask me! I'm praying she will not be late like her stinky big brother! I can't wait to see what she'll look like! And I hope she ends up with lots of hair like Hudson! She sure is making a racket in my belly so I can't imagine she'll want to be in there much longer! I have a feeling she will be born in May. My intuition hasn't let me down yet! I asked Curtis the other day what he was most excited about and he said dressing her up. Awww Oh I can't wait to have this little girl in our arms!! Everyone tells me how lucky we are to have a boy and a girl first. Then they usually follow it up with "don't ruin it now". Someone even told me that's what they call a million dollar family. I'll take it! And the million dollars! I do feel very lucky and blessed already! Let the count down begin!