Hudson is not the only one who is being taught though. He has been our teacher, in return, in so many ways! We have learned to love more, to work together, and to be less selfish. We have gained more patience as we watched him struggle to eat during nights I thought would never end and days where we stack the DVDs back on the shelf for the 4th time. He's taught us we can handle what ever comes our way when we have family and friends by our side! He's taught us that smiles, laughter, and hugs are indeed the best medicine. He's taught us how important eternal families are, because when you've got someone as special as Hudson, you just don't want to lose him.
Hudson has brought so much good into our home in just one short year. We've faced our fears as we became parents this day a year ago knowing it would take a little extra to care for Hudson. He's something else...
We are all still smiling today so we must have done something right! I don't think anyone could really understand the meaning of "being proud" until you have a child. And Hudson is my definition of proud. He's the best part of us all put together and made into one amazingly smart, tough, and handsome little boy! And a little bit of goof thrown in...
Hudson LOVES to be chased. And he'll let you know when he wants to too! He'll squeal and take off ready for you to start chasing him. He'll run around the kitchen island or all over the living room from me. He is so much fun to be around and never ceases to make me smile with all the goofy things he comes up with! He's definitely a boy!
He also got his first real hair cut a couple of weeks ago and it makes him look sooo grown up now! Dang good lookin' too! I figured since he was going to be one it was time for a big boy hair cut but I really miss his long hair though!
Oh what fun it has been this last year!! I can't even believe it! We are so lucky to have been sent THIS little boy. He's been one amazing kid and has inspired us to our fullest in just one year! I can't wait to see what a life time has in store for him!
From then until now...
Happy Birthday Huddy Buddy!!! We love you to death and beyond!!
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